21 JAN Personaliseret kræftbehandling er vejen frem Maria Ormhøj, som er postdoc på DTU Sundhedsteknologi, forsker i CAR T-celle terapi til behandling af hjernetumorer. Health technology Health and diseases Cells Genes and genomes
02 DEC Kunstig intelligens kan diagnosticere søvnapnø Forskere fra DTU Sundhedsteknologi har udviklet en ny 3D scanningsbaseret screeningsmetode til diagnosticering af søvnapnø. Health technology Data analysis Health and diseases
26 NOV Best PhD Thesis at DTU in 2021 goes to a DTU Health Tech PhD Student At DTU’s annual PhD graduation ceremony, Nikolaj Kofoed Mandsberg’s PhD Thesis was elected best at DTU in 2021. Health technology
18 NOV “We can catch disease faster and earlier” With advanced imaging technologies, researchers at DTU Health Tech want to make the healthcare system more efficient by diagnosing more patients in a shorter time. Health technology Medical equipment and systems Lasers Light sources Health and diseases
18 NOV Sharing experiences with peers is good for PhD Students’ well-being Well-being among PhD students is a hot topic these days. Global studies indicate that anxiety and depression rates among PhD students exceed those of the general population... Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Lasers
11 OCT Obese pigs help us understand human obesity Mapping of the complete genome of the obesity-prone Ossabaw pig gives new hope for further insights into human obesity and associated diseases Genes and genomes Health and diseases Health technology
07 OCT Hurtig og billig Covid-19 testmetode med potentiale Forskere fra DTU Sundhedsteknologi har udviklet en metode til at detektere SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Metoden kan designes til at påvise andre sygdomme. Health technology Health and diseases Viruses
06 OCT Topengageret gymnasielærer giver energien videre DTUs dygtige kandidater fra Medicin- og Teknologi-uddannelsen beskæftiger sig med mange forskellige ting i deres arbejdsliv. Mød en af dem her. Physics
29 SEP Sjovere genoptræning med elektronisk handske Gamification eller brug af spilelementer en del af strategien, når DTU studerende arbejder med kommercialisering af sundhedsteknologi. Health technology Health and diseases Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development