Teaching in courses:
Research Group
Group leader: Axel Thielscher
Most TBS approaches use electric currents that are focally induced in superficial brain areas. We develop and apply biophysical models to reveal and optimize the current flow patterns in the brain and to estimate their impact on neural activity. The computational modeling work is complemented by applying neuroimaging approaches such as functional MRI (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) to better characterize the impact of neurostimulation on brain activity.
We are interested in human sensorimotor integration and motor control, which sets the neuroscientific scene in which we employ and test the NTBS methods.
Our research is carried out from both DTU and the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, where we have access to MR scanners.
Visit the Magnetic Resonance Section site for a detailed description of group facilities and activities.
Group Leader
Axel Thielscher Head of Section, Professor Department of Health Technology Phone: +45 45255313 axthi@dtu.dk