Research Section
Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems (OASIS)

Head of Section: Anders Kristensen
The section for Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems develops and applies nanotechnology and photonics-based methods to characterize and manipulate biological systems, with the vision to translate light-based concepts into improved healthcare.
Our research includes:
- Development and application of hardware for imaging and probing 3D biomimetics
- Optical coherence tomography and non-linear microscopy for 2D/3D cell cultures and in-vivo imaging of small animals.
- Micro- and nano-fluidics for manipulation and imaging of biologically relevant particles.
- Optofluidics and hyperspectral Raman imaging for novel sensor and actuation technology.
- Thermodynamic modelling of nano-scale physics at room temperature.
Research Groups
Head of Section:
Anders Kristensen Head of Sections, Professor Phone: +45 45256331 Mobile: +45 25171852