Medical Isotopes and Dosimetry

The Medical Isotopes and Dosimetry Section carries out research in radioactive pharmaceuticals for diagnostics and treatment as well as Medical Dosimetry.
In the medical isotopes/medical radionuclides area the overall aim of the research is to develop new radiopharmaceuticals for clinical human use in close collaboration with university hospitals and other research institutes. The research is based on a synergy between knowledge related to the GMP production of radiopharmaceuticals and fundamental disciplines within nuclear physics, radio-chemistry, -biology and -pharmacy. This work is carried out in the Hevesy Lab.
In the medical dosimetry area the main aim is to develop new improved methods for measurement of the absorbed dose to water, for example, in MV photon beams from linear accelerators used at hospitals for cancer treatments.
The Medical Isotopes and Dosimetry Section offers a range of services and products to industry and hospitals among others within the framework of the Hevesy Lab.