We grow better scientists

Nonscientific activities in IDUN includes working with preferences using the InSights tool, helping us to communicate better and reduce misunderstandings caused by differences in our preferences and styles.

In the IDUN Diversity Project, funded by the Lundbeck Foundation, we work with cultural intelligence and ways to maximize the benefits of diversity in science. The project is in collaboration with Mikkel Hougaard Orlovski.

IDUN is an international research unit with frequent staff changes, which requires ongoing adaptation to new perspectives and skills. We view diversity as a strength and aim to leverage it as a competitive advantage in our research.

Project activities include assessing cultural intelligence in IDUN, communication and feedback training, conflict management, and implementing habits that promote a safe and inspiring work environment.

Research project

Developing and maintain a diverse culture in a rapidly changing research section

Like most other modern research groups at Danish universities, the IDUN research section is characterized by a highly international staff where there is a relatively large exchange in employees over short timespans. Consequently, IDUN is a diverse and dynamic research section that constantly needs to adapt to new constellations of people, including their areas of expertise, cultural backgrounds, experiences, habits and perceptions. Read more at Lundbeckfonden.com

Maria Svendsmark Hansen, Center Coordinator