Lauge Naur Hansen, PhD

Lauge Naur Hansen

Lauge Naur Hansen PhD Student Department of Health Technology

Name: Lauge Naur Hansen
Project Title:  Validation and Quantification of Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging using Micro-CT
Group: Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging
Supervisors: Jørgen Arendt Jensen, Anders Bjorholm Dahl, Carsten Gundlach

Project Description: 

Super-resolution ultrasound imaging can render images of blood vessels at resolutions greater than the diffraction limit. This breakthrough holds a potential to advance patient diagnosis and care by providing detailed microvascular imaging using ultrasound. The enhanced resolution is achieved by localising spatially and temporally separable moving particles within the bloodstream over time, subsequently generating an image from this time-dependent data series. 


This PhD project aims to validate super-resolution ultrasound imaging by comparing it with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), a gold standard in high-resolution vascular imaging. Micro-CT offers a detailed and accurate 3-dimensional view of small anatomical structures, making it an ideal benchmark for evaluating the performance of super-resolution ultrasound techniques.

About Lauge:

Lauge received the M.Sc. degree in quantitative biology and disease modelling from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark, in 2022. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging, working on validation of super-resolution ultrasound imaging techniques by quantitative comparisons with high resolution computed tomography scans.