Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Tabatabaei Majd, PhD
Tendon flow imaging
Tendon flow imaging
Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Tabatabaei Majd PhD student Department of Health Technology Mobile: +45 71403919
Name: Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Tabatabaei Majd
Project Title: Tendon flow imaging
Group: Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging
Supervisors:Jørgen Arendt Jensen
Project Description:
Tendon injuries are common in sports and physically demanding occupations. Conventional ultrasound methods like Power Doppler (PD) suggest that healthy tendons are largely avascular; however, invasive techniques have shown the presence of microvasculature. The vasculature observed by PD in injured tendons, therefore likely only represents a portion of the problem. The present study aimed to investigate whether microvascular structures can be reliably and precisely revealed in multiple scans of Achilles and patellar tendons in both lateral and longitudinal views using a fast, contrast-free, super-resolution ultrasound technique targeting erythrocytes (SURE).
A better understanding of tendon microvascular structures could present clinical implications for improving diagnosis and patient follow-up, thereby enhancing treatment efficacy for patients with tendon overuse disease (tendinopathy). Lacking the need for injecting MicroBubbles into the bloodstream makes regular follow-up scans of patients more feasible.
Received a B.Sc. degree from the Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, and an M.Sc. degree from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, both in biomedical engineering. His M.Sc. thesis is titled “Improving Adaptive Spectral Doppler Estimation in Medical Ultrasound”.
As a Ph.D. candidate, I am developing a processing pipeline for an ultrasound research scanner focused on contrast-free, super-resolution imaging techniques. My work includes data acquisition, processing, design, and validation, with the goal of optimizing a 2D contrast-free super-resolution processing pipeline.